Results for 'Marc R. Roussel'

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  1.  7
    An autonomous cell‐cycle oscillator involved in the coordination of G1 events.Marc R. Roussel - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):3-5.
    In early embryonic development, the cell cycle is paced by a biochemical oscillator involving cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Essentially the same machinery operates in all eukaryotic cells, although after the first few divisions various braking mechanisms (the so-called checkpoints) become significant. Haase and Reed have recently shown that yeast cells have a second, independent oscillator which coordinates some of the events of the G1 phase of the cell cycle.(1) Although the biochemical nature of this oscillator is not known,it seems (...)
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  2. Intention, Meaning and Reality.Marc R. Moreau - 1990 - Dissertation, Temple University
    The work's central thesis is that meaningful discourse would be impossible unless the discoursers had distributive access to realities structured independently of language, such an access in fact as can service a metaphysically significant correspondence theory of truth. The thesis is deployed against the view, advanced by Hilary Putnam and by Richard Rorty, that we cannot exit the circle of words so as to secure any version of external realism. ;To establish the thesis, an intentionalist hermeneutics is developed: Due to (...)
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    Histoire raciale de la Suisse.Marc R. Sauter - 1980 - In Arie de Froe, Marc-Rodolphe Sauter & François Twiesselmann, Europa V: Schweiz, Deutschland, Belgien Und Luxemburg, Niederlande. De Gruyter. pp. 7-44.
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    Contingent capture of involuntary visual attention interferes with detection of auditory stimuli.Marc R. Kamke & Jill Harris - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Legislative sovereignty: moving from jurisprudence towards metaphysics.Marc R. Johnson - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (3):360-386.
    ABSTRACT Legislative sovereignty is often discussed with one eye on the past and one eye on the procedural functions of law-making in the present. This limits the scope for a conceptual understanding of legislative sovereignty and hinders its theoretical progress. This article argues that legislative sovereignty contains within it the concept of an idol and that understanding the scope and impact of the idol of sovereignty is necessary for future development in this field. Theories from Kant, Nietzsche, von Mises and (...)
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    East and west in the face of technological change.Marc R. Dupuis - 1989 - Zygon 24 (4):437-445.
    Technological changes affect Western culture in three ways: the ratio between the lifetimes of technologies and the human lifetime is inverted; the three principal realms of human life (the home, the workplace, and leisure activity), as well as political systems, are affected; and the cohesion of the social body is threatened. The impact on Eastern culture is softened by a clearer role assigned to school, the resulting level of education, and the influence of Confucian ethics. However, acculturation will vary among (...)
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    The moral menagerie: philosophy and animal rights.Marc R. Fellenz - 2007 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Introduction -- Why care about animals? -- Broader philosophical considerations -- Utilitarian arguments : the value of animal experience -- Deontological arguments : do animals have natural rights? -- Aristotelian arguments : animal telos and human aretē -- Contractarian arguments : animals outside the state of nature -- Extensionism and its limits -- The call and the circle : the animal in postmodern thought -- Ecophilosophy : deep ecology and ecofeminism -- Sacrifice and self-overcoming -- The child, the hunter, and (...)
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  8. State, Society and Corporate Power.Marc R. Tool & Warren J. Samules - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (5):399-401.
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  9. Welfare and Planning: An Analysis of Capitalism Versus Socialism.Marc R. Tool & Benjamin Ward - 1981 - Ethics 91 (4):675-679.
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    Hunting for the beat in the body: on period and phase locking in music-induced movement.Birgitta Burger, Marc R. Thompson, Geoff Luck, Suvi H. Saarikallio & Petri Toiviainen - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11.  31
    The price of indifference vs. the price of reform: The price of indifference: Refugees and humanitarian action in the new century Arthur Helton (Oxford University Press, 2002). [REVIEW]Marc R. Rosenblum - 2005 - Human Rights Review 7 (1):111-126.
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    Perceptual load influences auditory space perception in the ventriloquist aftereffect.Ranmalee Eramudugolla, Marc R. Kamke, Salvador Soto-Faraco & Jason B. Mattingley - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):62-74.
    A period of exposure to trains of simultaneous but spatially offset auditory and visual stimuli can induce a temporary shift in the perception of sound location. This phenomenon, known as the 'ventriloquist aftereffect', reflects a realignment of auditory and visual spatial representations such that they approach perceptual alignment despite their physical spatial discordance. Such dynamic changes to sensory representations are likely to underlie the brain's ability to accommodate inter-sensory discordance produced by sensory errors (particularly in sound localization) and variability in (...)
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    Willful Death and Painful Decisions: A Failed Assisted Suicide.Kenneth V. Iserson, Dorothy Rasinski Gregory, Kate Christensen & Marc R. Ofstein - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (2):147.
    The patient was a woman in her 30s who, until the rapid progression of an ultimately fatal neurologic disease, had been a very successful professional, enjoying athletics and an active social life. In the 6 months of swift deterioration, she had gone from being extremely vibrant and energetic to being totally unable to care for her personal needs. There had been no loss of intellectual capacity. Her sister later recounted to Dr. J., the emergency department physician, that she had found (...)
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  14. Au delà des marches.R. D. Rânadé, Marguerite Alpe-Roussel & Achyut S. Apté - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (3):382-383.
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    The dual-mechanism model of inflectional morphology: A connectionist critique.Marc F. Joanisse & Todd R. Haskell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1026-1027.
    Clahsen has added to the body of evidence that, on average, regular and irregular inflected words behave differently. However, the dual-mechanism account he supports predicts a crisp distinction; the empirical data instead suggest a fuzzy one, more in line with single-mechanism connectionist models.
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  16. A Dissociation Between Moral Judgments and Justifications.Marc Hauser, Fiery Cushman, Liane Young, R. Kang-Xing Jin & John Mikhail - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (1):1-21.
    : To what extent do moral judgments depend on conscious reasoning from explicitly understood principles? We address this question by investigating one particular moral principle, the principle of the double effect. Using web-based technology, we collected a large data set on individuals’ responses to a series of moral dilemmas, asking when harm to innocent others is permissible. Each moral dilemma presented a choice between action and inaction, both resulting in lives saved and lives lost. Results showed that: patterns of moral (...)
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    What Companies are Doing to Meet Environmental Protection Responsibilities.Marc Lampe, Seth R. Ellis & Cherie K. Drummond - 1991 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 2:1053-1073.
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    A distributed representation of internal time.Marc W. Howard, Karthik H. Shankar, William R. Aue & Amy H. Criss - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (1):24-53.
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  19. Self-Initiated Volunteering and Mental Health.Marc A. Musick, PhD. & Waggoner & R. Miranda - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post, Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa.
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    Opinion conformity as an impression management tactic following performance of an unpleasant task.Marc Riess, Donelson R. Forsyth, Barry R. Schlenker & Susan Freed - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (3):211-213.
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    The Appraisal Bias Model of Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression.Marc Mehu & Klaus R. Scherer - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):272-279.
    Models of cognitive vulnerability claim that depressive symptoms arise as a result of an interaction between negative affect and cognitive reactions, in the form of dysfunctional attitudes and negative inferential style. We present a model that complements this approach by focusing on the appraisal processes that elicit and differentiate everyday episodes of emotional experience, arguing that individual differences in appraisal patterns can foster negative emotional experiences related to depression (e.g., sadness and despair). In particular, dispositional appraisal biases facilitating the elicitation (...)
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  22.  14
    Charles Johnson: the novelist as philosopher.Marc C. Conner & William R. Nash (eds.) - 2007 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    The essays explore virtually all of Johnson's writings: each of his novels, his numerous short stories, the range of his nonfiction essays, his many book ...
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    Joint Action of a Pair of Rowers in a Race: Shared Experiences of Effectiveness Are Shaped by Interpersonal Mechanical States.Mehdi R’Kiouak, Jacques Saury, Marc Durand & Jérôme Bourbousson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  24. Index to Volume 41.Marc Bekoff, Kirsten Birkett, Paul R. Laurie M. Boehlke, Rachel L. Kolander, Sjoerd L. Bonting, Donald M. Braxton, John Hedley Brooke, Charlene P. E. Burns, John C. Caiazza & John J. Carvalho Iv - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4).
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  25. Nash, eds.Marc C. Conner & R. William - 2007 - In Marc C. Conner & William R. Nash, Charles Johnson: the novelist as philosopher. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
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    The unified tradeoff model.Marc Scholten, Daniel J. Walters, Craig R. Fox & Daniel Read - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (4):1007-1044.
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    Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew Scriptures.Marc Z. Brettler & Philip R. Davies - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):311.
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  28. Barbara H. Basden, David R. Basden, and Matthew J. Wright. Part-list reexposure and release of.J. P. Maxwell, R. S. W. Masters, F. F. Eves, R. P. Behrendt, Jonathan M. Smallwood, Simona F. Baracaia, Michelle Lowe & Marc Obonsawin - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12:320.
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    Image Feature Types and Their Predictions of Aesthetic Preference and Naturalness.Marc G. Berman, Frank F. Ibarra, Omid Kardan, MaryCarol R. Hunter, Hiroki P. Kotabe & Francisco A. C. Meyer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying the Production of Facial Expression of Emotion: A Componential Perspective.Klaus R. Scherer, Marcello Mortillaro & Marc Mehu - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):47-53.
    We highlight the need to focus on the underlying determinants and production mechanisms to fully understand the nature of facial expression of emotion and to settle the theoretical debate about the meaning of motor expression. Although emotion theorists have generally remained rather vague about the details of the process, this has been a central concern of componential appraisal theories. We describe the fundamental assumptions and predictions of this approach regarding the patterning of facial expressions for different emotions. We also review (...)
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    Sociocultural Influences on Moral Judgments: East–West, Male–Female, and Young–Old.Karina R. Arutyunova, Yuri I. Alexandrov & Marc D. Hauser - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:211309.
    Gender, age, and culturally specific beliefs are often considered relevant to observed variation in social interactions. At present, however, the scientific literature is mixed with respect to the significance of these factors in guiding moral judgments. In this study, we explore the role of each of these factors in moral judgment by presenting the results of a web-based study of Eastern (i.e., Russia) and Western (i.e., USA, UK, Canada) subjects, male and female, and young and old. Participants ( n = (...)
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    Normal and Abnormal Emotions—The Quandary of Diagnosing Affective Disorder: Introduction and Overview.Klaus R. Scherer & Marc Mehu - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):201-203.
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  33. The evolutionary ancestry of our knowledge of tools: from percepts to concepts.Marc D. Hauser & Laurie R. Santos - 2007 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 267--288.
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  34. Filosofiska smulor: tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, 75 år 4 april 1977.Konrad Marc-Wogau, Ulla Carlstedt & Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist (eds.) - 1977 - Uppsala: Filosofiska föreningen och Filosofiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet.
    Marc-Wogau, K. Mina filosofiska fördomar.--Gustafsson, L. Om klassifikation.--Kanger, S. Några synpunkter på begreppet inflytande.--Torstendahl, R. Minikrav, optimumnormer och paradigm i historisk vetenskap.--Lagerberg, D. Punktkommentarer till dialektiken.--Nordenfeldt, L. Om olika former av interaktion.--Puterman, Z. An indeterminist interpretation of Marx's historical determinism.--Carls, R. Kunskap och frihet.--Andersson, J. S. Some notions of pragmatic implication.--Tönisson, I. A preliminary study of interpreting K[subscript x]ø¹.--Bergström, L. Vilken handlingsutilitarism är den riktiga?--Alfredsson, T. Kärlekskoefficienter.--Segerberg, K. The assignment problem as a problem of social choice.--Åqvist, L. En tidslogisk (...)
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    Object individuation using property/kind information in rhesus macaques.Laurie R. Santos, Gregory M. Sulkowski, Geertrui M. Spaepen & Marc D. Hauser - 2002 - Cognition 83 (3):241-264.
  36. Evolving the Psychological Mechanisms for Cooperation.Jeffrey R. Stevens & Marc D. Hauser - 2005 - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36:499-518.
    Cooperation is common across nonhuman animal taxa, from the hunting of large game in lions to the harvesting of building materials in ants. Theorists have proposed a number of models to explain the evolution of cooperative behavior. These ultimate explanations, however, rarely consider the proximate constraints on the implementation of cooperative behavior. Here we review several types of cooperation and propose a suite of cognitive abilities required for each type to evolve. We propose that several types of cooperation, though theoretically (...)
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  37. Conjectures et réfutations.Karl R. Popper, Michelle-irène & Marc B. de Launay - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (1):90-92.
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    Negotiating Ethically: Resilience, Moral Identity, and Power in Negotiations.Marc-Charles “M.-C.” Ingerson, Bradley R. Agle & Katie A. Liljenquist - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:6-17.
    Everybody negotiates. But not everybody negotiates ethically. One driver of unethical negotiation behavior is power. Yet, we still haven’t discovered the principalmoderating and mediating influences between power and ethical negotiation behavior. In this pair of experimental studies we’re interested in finding out how resilience and moral identity affect an individual’s ethical behavior in both simple and complex negotiations when primed for power.
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    Normative Stakeholder Capitalism.Marc-Charles Ingerson, Bradley R. Agle, Thomas Donaldson, Paul C. Godfrey & Jared D. Harris - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (3):377-406.
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    A Neuroadaptive Cognitive Model for Dealing With Uncertainty in Tracing Pilots' Cognitive State.Oliver W. Klaproth, Marc Halbrügge, Laurens R. Krol, Christoph Vernaleken, Thorsten O. Zander & Nele Russwinkel - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):1012-1029.
    When people are performing a task, it is hard to know whether they are about to make a mistake. Klaproth, Halbrügge, Krol, Vernaleken, Zander, and Russwinkel address this by recording EEG signals while people are performing a flight control task, and show that by examining the EEG signal they can determine when people failed to notice particular stimuli, which could lead to better assistive tools.
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  41. ""Baker, Steve Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity, and Representation. Urbana: University of Illinois. Barresi, J. and Moore, C." Intentional relations and social understanding." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19: 107-154. Bekoff, Marc Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions. and Heart, New York: Oxford University. [REVIEW]Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, Gordon M. Burghardt, Ann B. Butler, Paul R. Manger & Peter Arhem - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler, The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 143.
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    Reflections on technology for educational practitioners: philosophers of technology inspiring technology education.John R. Dakers, Jonas Hallström & Marc J. de Vries (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    Reflections on Technology for Educational Practitioners describes the main ideas of fourteen philosophers of technology and how these ideas are used or can be used in technology education.
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    Domain-specific knowledge in human children and non-human primates: Artifacts and foods.Laurie R. Santos, Marc D. Hauser & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt, The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 205--216.
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    Mechanisms in dominant parkinsonism: The toxic triangle of LRRK2, α‐synuclein, and tau.Jean-Marc Taymans & Mark R. Cookson - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (3):227-235.
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is generally sporadic but a number of genetic diseases have parkinsonism as a clinical feature. Two dominant genes, α‐synuclein (SNCA) and leucine‐rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), are important for understanding inherited and sporadic PD. SNCA is a major component of pathologic inclusions termed Lewy bodies found in PD. LRRK2 is found in a significant proportion of PD cases. These two proteins may be linked as most LRRK2 PD cases have SNCA‐positive Lewy bodies. Mutations in both proteins are (...)
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    Hermann Lotze's Theory of 'Local Sign': evidence from pointing responses in an illusory figure.Dean R. Melmoth, Marc S. Tibber & Michael J. Morgan - 2010 - In Nivedita Gangopadhyay, Michael Madary & Finn Spicer, Perception, action, and consciousness: sensorimotor dynamics and two visual systems. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 95.
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    A Search for the de Broglie Particle Internal Clock by Means of Electron Channeling.P. Catillon, N. Cue, M. J. Gaillard, R. Genre, M. Gouanère, R. G. Kirsch, J. -C. Poizat, J. Remillieux, L. Roussel & M. Spighel - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (7):659-664.
    The particle internal clock conjectured by de Broglie in 1924 was investigated in a channeling experiment using a beam of ∼80 MeV electrons aligned along the 〈110〉 direction of a 1 μm thick silicon crystal. Some of the electrons undergo a rosette motion, in which they interact with a single atomic row. When the electron energy is finely varied, the rate of electron transmission at 0° shows a 8% dip within 0.5% of the resonance energy, 80.874 MeV, for which the (...)
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  47. Adam Smith and the ethics of contemporary capitalism.G. R. Bassiry & Marc Jones - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):621 - 627.
    This paper presents a theoretical elaboration of the ethical framework of classical capitalism as formulated by Adam Smith in reaction to the dominant mercantilism of his day. It is seen that Smith's project was profoundly ethical and designed to emancipate the consumer from a producer and state dominated economy. Over time, however, the various dysfunctions of a capitalist economy — e.g., concentration of wealth, market power — became manifest and the utilitarian ethical basis of the system eroded. Contemporary capitalism, dominated (...)
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    The Haunting Fetus: Abortion, Sexuality, and the Spirit World in Taiwan.Paul R. Katz & Marc L. Moskowitz - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):231.
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  49. Building a baby.Paul R. Cohen, Tim Oates, Marc S. Atkin & Carole R. Beal - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Moral Development in Business Ethics: An Examination and Critique.Kristen Bell DeTienne, Carol Frogley Ellertson, Marc-Charles Ingerson & William R. Dudley - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):429-448.
    The field of behavioral ethics has seen considerable growth over the last few decades. One of the most significant concerns facing this interdisciplinary field of research is the moral judgment-action gap. The moral judgment-action gap is the inconsistency people display when they know what is right but do what they know is wrong. Much of the research in the field of behavioral ethics is based on early work in moral psychology and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg’s foundational cognitive model of moral (...)
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